[Ubuntu] WMWare + Ubuntu 8.04 + VMWare-Tools 완벽 설치하기

vmhgfs 이거 하나 설치한다고 오늘 하루종일 삽질했네요...ㅡ.ㅡ 공부는 못하고...

우분투 8.04 를 VMWare 에 올린 상황에서

VMWare-Tools 를 설치하다보면... vmhgfs 포함(공유폴더기능)하여 필수모듈들이 오류가 납니다.

설치는 성공했다고 뜨는데...

In file included from /tmp/vmware-config8/vmblock-only/linux/os.h:35,
from /tmp/vmware-config8/vmblock-only/linux/block.c:26:
/tmp/vmware-config8/vmblock-only/./include/compat_wait.h:78: error: conflicting types for ‘poll_initwait’
include/linux/poll.h:65: error: previous declaration of ‘poll_initwait’ was here
In file included from /tmp/vmware-config8/vmblock-only/linux/vmblockInt.h:40,
from /tmp/vmware-config8/vmblock-only/linux/block.c:29:
/tmp/vmware-config8/vmblock-only/./include/vm_basic_types.h:184: error: conflicting types for ‘uintptr_t’
include/linux/types.h:40: error: previous declaration of ‘uintptr_t’ was here
make[2]: *** [/tmp/vmware-config8/vmblock-only/linux/block.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [_module_/tmp/vmware-config8/vmblock-only] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-16-generic’
make: *** [vmblock.ko] Error 2
make: Leaving directory `/tmp/vmware-config8/vmblock-only’
Unable to build the vmblock module.

이런 메세지가 뜨면서 꽥꽥 거리더라구요.

VMWare 알림창에서 설치는 성공했다고 하는데, 공유폴더 기능이 먹통이더라구요.

구글을 돌아다니다보니 VMWare_Tools 소스코드에 오류가 있어서 설치가 안된다고 하더군요.

(스크랩중에 이미지가 깨지는 관계로 링크 검 - -; )

위 스샷에 hgfs 폴더에 들어가면 호스트PC 와의 공유폴더가 떠야하는데...

VMWare 에서 기본 제공하는 VMWare-Tools 를 설치하면 이게 안된다는 겁니다.

해결방법은 아래 Peter Cooper 씨의 블로그에서 발견했습니다.


제가 리눅스 처음 깔아보는 거라 그런지...

포스팅보고 따라하는 것도 몇시간 걸리더군요- .-;

sudo 인가 무슨 권한이 그리 까다로운지 역시 리눅스는 권한에 압박이 ... ㅎㅎ


이거 완성한 모듈 파일을 올릴려구 헀는데 용량이 51메가네요......ㄷㄷ

아래는 보너스로... 위 과정을 모두 마치고 VMWare-Tools 설치에 성공해도

마우스 휠이 여전히 먹통인데 - -;;

sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf 해서 편집

마우스 관련 부분을...

Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier "Configured Mouse"
    Driver "vmmouse"
    Option "CorePointer"
    Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
    Option "Protocol" "ImPS/2"
    Option "Buttons" "5"
    Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"

이렇게 고치고 재시작하니까

마우스 휠버튼도 정상작동합니다.

후얼... 리눅스 설치하고 셋팅하는거 정말 어렵군요.

참고 URL 사이트 내용 :

How to Install VMware Tools on Ubuntu Hardy 8.04 under VMware Fusion

Ubuntu Hardy under VMware Fusion

The latest version of Ubuntu (8.04 a.k.a. Ubuntu Hardy - the world’s most popular Linux distribution) came out yesterday on April 24th. I downloaded it right away to play with on VMware Fusion, my Mac virtualization tool of choice (though I’ve now been told this works in VMware Workstation and VMware Player on the PC too!). It worked pretty well out of the box, with even seamless mouse support working right away, but I needed, of course, to install VMware Tools too, as any good VMware user would do. From there, things turned sour, and I was bombarded with error messages similar to:

In file included from /tmp/vmware-config8/vmblock-only/linux/os.h:35,
from /tmp/vmware-config8/vmblock-only/linux/block.c:26:
/tmp/vmware-config8/vmblock-only/./include/compat_wait.h:78: error: conflicting types for ‘poll_initwait’
include/linux/poll.h:65: error: previous declaration of ‘poll_initwait’ was here
In file included from /tmp/vmware-config8/vmblock-only/linux/vmblockInt.h:40,
from /tmp/vmware-config8/vmblock-only/linux/block.c:29:
/tmp/vmware-config8/vmblock-only/./include/vm_basic_types.h:184: error: conflicting types for ‘uintptr_t’
include/linux/types.h:40: error: previous declaration of ‘uintptr_t’ was here
make[2]: *** [/tmp/vmware-config8/vmblock-only/linux/block.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [_module_/tmp/vmware-config8/vmblock-only] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-16-generic’
make: *** [vmblock.ko] Error 2
make: Leaving directory `/tmp/vmware-config8/vmblock-only’
Unable to build the vmblock module.

After banging my head against the wall for a while, trying a “vmware-any-any” patch that didn’t quite do the trick, and scouring the VMWare Fusion and Ubuntu Forums, I eventually came across a link to a page that described how to solve the problem. The credit for this solution rests entirely on the guy who wrote that page and a guy called Mufassa who posted a shorter explanation to the VMware Fusion forums.

I wanted to write this up into a proper blog post though for two reasons. Firstly, I wanted to show how to fix the problem in a more, direct line by line way (just in case you’re a novice or would rather follow some command line instructions). Secondly, I know posts on this blog appear in Google very quickly, so I want people Googling for “vmware fusion” and “ubuntu hardy” (like I was earlier) to find this page and have their problem solved! So, credit to those other guys, but..

Steps To Getting VMware Tools installed on Ubuntu Hardy under VMware Fusion:

Use the “Install VMware Tools” option in VMWare Fusion, and drag the .tar file (not the RPM!) to the Ubuntu desktop.

Open a Terminal (Applications menu -> Accessories -> Terminal). We’ll do all the work from the Terminal. First, we need to install some dependencies:

sudo apt-get install build-essential libgtk2.0-dev
sudo apt-get install libproc-dev libdumbnet-dev xorg-dev
cd Desktop/

wget http://mesh.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/open-vm-tools/open-vm-tools-2008.04.14-87182.tar.gz

Next, we need to unpack the tar files we have at hand:

tar xzvf VMware*.gz
tar xzvf open-vm-tools*.gz

Next, we’ll build the open-vm-tools:

cd open-vm-tools-2008.04.14-87182/
./configure && make
cd modules/linux/

In the modules/linux folder we have the vmblock, vmhgfs, vmmemctl, vmsync and vmxnet modules that we need to tar up and place into the official VMware tools tarball:

for i in *; do mv ${i} ${i}-only; tar -cf ${i}.tar ${i}-only; done
cd ../../..

mv -f open-vm-tools-2008.04.14-87182/modules/linux/*.tar vmware-tools-distrib/lib/modules/source/

Now we can run the regular VMware tools installer:

cd vmware-tools-distrib/
sudo ./vmware-install.pl

Once this is done, the best tactic is to restart Ubuntu entirely. Once you boot back up, things should seem a bit smoother. The resolution of the VM will stick to the size of the VM, etc, and you can now drag files directly into Ubuntu Hardy from your Mac desktop!

Note: A few of the lines of code you need to use above are single lines of code but spread over multiple lines on your screen when viewing this blog. Either make your browser wider, or copy and paste them into a text editor before continuing.

VMWare toolbox 자동시작 관련
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------VMware Tools 를 설치해도 자동으로 실행되지 않던데...
리부팅 후 실행시키셨는지요?


전 Kubuntu 인데..

Rina's Blog

[출처] http://kldp.org/node/80047 의 댓글 중....

VMWare tools 설치 관련 /mnt/hgfs 공유폴더에 아무런 데이터 없을 때
어렵게 생각할 것 없습니다
rpm 이든 tar.gz 형태든 설치가 되었다면, 터미널 하나 열어서 vmware-config-tools.pl 명령어를 실행해 보세요.
예스, 엔터를 적절히 쳐주면 커널 소스가 제대로 깔려 있다면 프로그램이 알아서 모듈 컴파일을 수행해서 모듈 설치를 할 겁니다. 이때 그냥 엔터만 치지 마시고, 에러가 나는지 안나는지 메시지를 잘 보세요. 만약 share folder 항목에서 에러가 나면 그 기능은 이 커널 버젼에서 사용할 수 없는 겁니다.
이것 저것 신경쓰기 싫으시면 fedora8 의 경우에는 최신 vmware버젼을 쓴다면 아무 에러가 나지 않으니 fedora8을 쓰시라고 권장하는 겁니다.

이렇게 vmware tools를 설치하신 후에는 위의 분들이 설명한대로 vmware 메뉴에서 share folder로 쓸 디렉토리를 설정하고 다시 부팅해 보세요. 부팅시 로그 화면을 보시면 vmware tools 항목이 중간에 죽 나올 겁니다. 그 중 share folder 항목이 빨간 에러 메세지 없이 enabled로 나온다면 이제 부터는 window상의 폴더들을 vmware 메뉴에서 추가 설정해서 리눅스상에서 몇개든지 얼마든지 사용할 수 있게 됩니다.

그럼 도움이 되었기를,

[출처] http://kldp.org/node/95013 의 댓글 중..........

Windows 와 공유 폴더 만들기

비록 .... 페도라 일지라도 유용하기에 같이 스크랩 처리함.

스크랩 중 이미지가 깨지는 관계로 파일로 저장해서 첨부하였음

아래는 출처임

[출처] [VMware] Windows 와 공유 폴더 만들기|작성자 곰새