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  1. 2012.02.15 oracle] Toad Error - Cannot load OCI DLL 해결 1
카테고리 없음 | Posted by 낫기법필 2012. 2. 15. 01:12

oracle] Toad Error - Cannot load OCI DLL 해결

win 7 64비트 환경에서  오라클을 테스트 중에 toad 를 이용하여 확인을 하고자 했으나
Toad Error - Cannot load OCI DLL: C:\Oracle\instantclient_11_1\oci.dll 
에러가 나서 해결점을 찾아보았다.

 Toad Error - Cannot load OCI DLL: C:\Oracle\instantclient_11_1\oci.dll 

 이에 대한 답은 오라클 의 qna 에 있었다.


글: 4 
등록일: 10-11-20
Toad Error - Cannot load OCI DLL: C:\Oracle\instantclient_11_1\oci.dll 
게시일: 2011. 8. 8 오후 3:42
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Hello All,
Help needed to fix this error.

We are getting the below error from Toad after fresh install on Windows 7 64 Bit.
Toad for Oracle Base

Cannot load OCI DLL: C:\Oracle\instantclient_11_1\oci.dll

We are using the Oracle Instant Client (instantclient-basic-nt-
We are able to connect to the database from the command line successfully, but when we tried to launch the Toad and connect it we are getting the above error.

How do we fix this issue?

Thanks in advance.
Sandeep S

Srini Chavali

글: 15,171 
등록일: 08-04-18
Re: Toad Error - Cannot load OCI DLL: C:\Oracle\instantclient_11_1\oci.dll 
게시일: 2011. 8. 8 오후 7:28   SandeepS님의 질문에 답변 SandeepS님의 질문에 답변
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Pl post this in the TOAD forums - http://toadworld.com/Community/Forums/tabid/64/Default.aspx


글: 2,264 
등록일: 00-10-24
Re: Toad Error - Cannot load OCI DLL: C:\Oracle\instantclient_11_1\oci.dll 
게시일: 2011. 8. 8 오후 9:56   SandeepS님의 질문에 답변 SandeepS님의 질문에 답변
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Toad only works with 32 bit CLIENT.

I ran into the same issue on Windows 7 64 bit.

Using a 32 bit Oracle 11 client solved and prevented all my connections issues.

So is this a Toad issue or an Oracle client issue?

Best Regards


[출처]  https://kr.forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=2265339